Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Look At The Supplement Garcinia Cambogia

There have been many reviews of Garcinia Cambogia in the internet nowadays. The reviews are all about uses and side effects of Garcinia Cambogia. Garcinia Cambogia is a weight loss herb that has recently gained large popularity. The herb contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), an active ingredient responsible for weight loss in human beings. The health benefits and side effects of Garcinia Cambogia are discussed as follows.

Garcinia Cambogia blocks the formation of fatty cells by slowing down the conversion of glucose into energy. The HCA alters citrate lyase enzyme, which in turn lowers the carbohydrates metabolism. The process also ensures the consumed sugar is converted into energy rather than fat.

Garcinia Cambogia Extract suppresses appetite by killing craving for sugary and fatty foods. The HCA alters serotonin and leptin hormones, which in turn control hunger and mood in human beings This allows people to consume only what is needed by their bodies.

Garcinia Cambogia boosts body metabolism by balancing the chemical processes that take place in the body. The improved body metabolism makes the body to use the fat stored in the body parts such as waist, thighs, hips and buttocks. This in turn lowers body mass index (BMI) by a considerable percentage.

Garcinia Cambogia Dr Oz lowers blood cholesterol by blocking the production and storage of fat. The HCA lowers production of unhealthy cholesterol and boosts production of healthy cholesterol. Healthy cholesterol lowers blood pressure and therefore promotes healthy life.

Garcinia Cambogia boosts immune system and improves the response of body to infections, diseases and illness. The herb also shortens the time taken for some infections like common cold and flu to cure. This is due to high content of vitamin C in the fruit.

The side effects of Garcinia Cambogia Dr Oz include headache, nausea, restlessness, sleeplessness and skin rash. The herb is also associated with congested sinuses, blurred vision, cotton wool brain, dizziness and heavy brain.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Old Acne Scars

Almost everyone experience acne at some time or the other throughout their lives. It was reported by the National Institute of Health that nearly 85% of adolescence and young adults between the ages of 12 and 24 suffers from acne. Though it is mostly teenagers that are affected some adults up to age 40 also suffers from this condition.

Click Here To Get Rid Of Acne Now!

Being bombarded with so many acne products on the market, it can be a very difficult to chose what is best for you and your child. "Most products either don't work very well or have a litany of side effects," says Amy Baker, founder of Nature's Cure, an innovative health and beauty products company. Acne is a sign that something has gone wrong with the body and so it should be treated both as an internal and external condition.

Are You Using Nonprescription Treatments?

Most over the counter drugs are typically in the form of cream or gel that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These medications may take up to 4 weeks to work and on top of that they also do not clear the acne completely. The reason for that is these drugs do not address the source of the acne and so you have to taking them consistently to keep fighting the acne. Another side effect to using these medications is that most results skin irritation, burning or redness.

What about Prescription Treatments?

Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to treat acne. Antibiotics works to clear the skin from bacteria, however it does not clear up the very deep cases of acne. In such cases oral antibiotics such as tetracycline or minocycline are used. These oral antibiotics are more effective to clear up the acne as they work in a systematic manner. The downside to these antibiotics is that they can cause side effects such as:

Photosensitivity (higher risk of sunburn)


Upset stomach and

Skin Discoloration

Must be taken for up to 4 months

Increase in Antibiotic Resistance

For very severe acne a prescription known as Accutane has been used to successfully clear up acne when other medication fails. However using Accutane can cause serious side effects such as Join and Muscle pain, Eye Irritation, Hair Thinning, Intestinal, urinal and headache symptoms. It has also been found that it is associated with increased risk of depression and suicide.

How Do I Get Rid Of Old Acne Scars?

For people searching for less toxic ways to cure their acne, there is a natural holistic treatment called the "Acne No More System" Because acne is caused by a combination of factors, including hormonal imbalance, over production of oil and trapped bacteria on the outside of the skin, stress etc. it is important to treat acne both internally and externally. This natural holistic treatment works to rebalance the body, clear up existing acne and prevent future breakouts.

Most prescription and over the counter drugs work to clear up acne, but only for a short period of time and so you have to be consistently taking these medication to see any results. They also promote various side effects and so they actually do more harm than good.

There is a natural holistic treatment that has been proven to remove acne fast and without any side effects. This system works to address both the internal and external cause of acne, eliminate the acne and prevents future outbreaks.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Acne Home Remedy to Cure Acne Fast

Acne Home Remedy to Cure Acne Fast

There are several factors that can cause acne, these factors include hormonal changes, improper dieting, poor elimination of toxins from the body, and improper skin care. Below are some of the most efficient acne home remedies that can treat acne like magic to clear up your skin.

Best Acne Products

Home Remedy #1- Grind a small amount of nutmeg and mix it with a small amount of milk. Rinse your face with some warm water to remove excess dirt and oil from the surface of the skin. Apply the nutmeg mixture to the affected areas and let it stay for about 2 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This works as a magic. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark.

Home Remedy #2- Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.

Home Remedy #3- You can also get some fresh garlic and cut them in halves. Rinse the garlic to ensure that they are clean and then rub them on your pimples. Doing this on a regular basis will remove your pimples without leaving a mark.

Best Acne Products

Home Remedy #4- First rinse your face with some warm water. Next mix a small amount of rose water and lime juice and apply to the affected areas. Allow the mixture to remain for 20- 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water again. This is also a very effective method to remove acne scars and pigmentation.

For more natural acne cure, visit our website at

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Simple Diet Changes To Cure Acne

Acne Scar Treatment

It is a fact that more than 80% of people get acne during their teenage years and some adults continue to get acne for years and even decades afterwards. Acne is a life changing disease, it causes both physical and emotional pain and so it is important to investigate a cure. What if changes in ones diet could be the answer to all there acne problems? What if avoiding certain types of foods and only consuming certain types of food for a while could actually reduce acne or even cure acne?

Have you ever heard the statement "what you put in you get out"? Well it is a similar situation here. Your diet involves introducing foods into your body. Now there are foods which are healthy for you and reduce your acne while there are foods that can harm your health and make your acne worse.

One such type of food that is bad for you is vegetable oils. This is contained in most of the fatty and junk foods. There are several other types of foods that are bad for you. The fact is these bad foods contributes to hormonal imbalance which promotes over production of sebum, the leading cause of acne.

Too much sugar is also not good for you. Of course sugar occurs naturally in fruits but IF you want to get rid of your acne cut down seriously on your consumption of processed sugar.

So what foods are good for you?- How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast?

Having a meal that constitute of lots of fruits and vegetables is best for you. Fruits and vegetables provide your body with the essential nutrients it need to function optimally. Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which is needed to stabilize hormonal changes and fight your acne. Five portions of vegetables and fruits are recommended every day. Do that and not only will your health improve, but
so will your acne.

If you would like more information on how to get rid of acne by improving your diet, then visit our website and discover an all natural acne treatment good dieting to cure your acne.

Monday, November 3, 2008

How to Get Rid of Acne Outbreaks on Your Face, Neck Shoulders and Back

Get Rid Of Your Acne Outbreaks Now!

Millions of people all over the world are plagued with the terrible skin condition called Acne. It skin disease that causes pimples, blackheads, whiteheads to come up on the surface of your skin. It affects mostly teenagers, though even adults up to age 40 can have acne. It can be very uncomfortable and causes a great deal of emotional pain. It is very important to treat acne promptly because lack of treatment can lead to permanent scarring.

natural acne treatment To permanently heal your acne?

Many people go about treating their acne the way and as such find it very hard to overcome the disease. Some people thinks that acne is caused by dirt and tend to scrub their skin very hard believing that they are cleaning the pores but at the same time they are actually irritating the area and making their acne worse.

So How To You Get Rid Of Acne Outbreaks ?

There are many ways to treat acne, some are very expensive routes while some are not so expensive. The expensive routes may involve regular visits to your dermatologist, filling prescriptions on a regular basis. laser acne treatments and much more. While these may be helpful for some acne sufferers, many cannot afford the expense. And even though these treatments may help to clear some of your blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and zit some of them may be damaging to your skin due to the chemical that they contain. Another point to note is that most of these types of treatments only mask the acne symptoms and not really cure it.

natural acne treatment To permanently heal your acne?

On the other hand, the inexpensive route involves using natural acne treatments to treat your acne. All you need to do involves simple things such as modifying your diet, doing regular exercises, and maintaining a proper hygiene. As you can see here it does not require the use of any drug or pharmaceuticals and so the risk of side effects are very negligible.

Using natural remedies to clear your pimples allows to maintain a healthy lifestyle and in so doing cure the acne from the root cause, as opposed to drugs and pharmaceuticals only masking the symptoms.

The choice is yours. Do you want to go the expensive route to treat your acne and mask the symptoms? Or do you want a step by step natural acne treatment To permanently heal your acne?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Acne Free In3 Days Detailed Review- Full Description of Acne Free In3 Days

here has been a lot of hype around the book acne free in three days. If you are wondering if acne free in 3 days will help you cure your acne in 3 days of if the information in the book lives up to its claim then sit back and relax as I take you through the entire book.

Firstly if you visit the website you will note that there are a lot of claims. The first one "Chronic Acne Sufferer Finds A Scientifically Proven Way To Permanently Clear Skin In Just Three Days" Now if you have been suffering from acne for sometime this may well capture your attention. It did for me.

Get Acne Free In 3 Days Now!

But lets get to the book.

First things first, the author of the book name is Chris Gibson, and the book comes in both a ebook version and a physical hard copy. I only got the ebook version so I don't know if there is any added information in the hard copy.

The book is 125 pages long. However, for the first 12 pages there is nothing pertained to acne. You will just see a list of other books published by the publisher that publishes acne free in 3 days. Then you will see the table of contents with around 12 different chapters.

Chris begins the book with a detailed life story about how he suffered from acne and all the struggles he went through to treat his acne. He speaks about how his appearance meant everything to him and how nothing he tried ever seem to work. His also provide background information about acne, causes, and the different types.

Get Acne Free In 3 Days Now!

After about 82 pages Chris goes on to tell you how is program works. He list and overview of his program, how it came about, the things necessary for the program to work, how they work and an explanation as to why they work. Everything he list can be found in your local supermarket at very low cost but he also provides a full kit on his website.

What is the Acne Free In 3 Days Program?

Chris's program is based on a natural holistic approach. On page 91 onwards he gives you a step by step detailed instructions on what exactly you are to do in order achieve a clear skin in 3 days.

His program is based on a special fruit fast. This is based on the idea that one of the main reason for your acne is due to poor elimination of waste from the body. He also tells you about specific substances to apply to your pimples for fast relief.

Will Chris method cure your acne in 3 days?

Let me be frank with you. If you have only mild acne his program will help you to cure your acne in 3 days. However if you have very severe acne then it will take longer to become acne free.

But the important thing is Chris also list alternative methods for you in the case you have very severe acne. He also explains the reason why the 3 day method would not work for you and provide you with a step by step actions to take. He calls this the resistant acne treatments.

If you are suffering from acne and been searching for the right treatment to cure your acne, then I sincerely believe that Acne Free In 3 Days is for you. Whether you are suffering from mild or severe acne you can be relieved following the methods Chris outlines in his book.

Get Acne Free In 3 Days Now!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Acne Scar Treatment Part II

Acne Scar Treatment

Acne scars can be quite ugly and can have many negative side effects for those that suffer from acne. Lack of self esteem and confidence are a few of the problems associated with this problem. Often your skin is a reflection of your inner health so look at your lifestyle and diet and the effects they are having on your overall health.

The first step on how to get rid of acne must be to stop the acne from recurring in the first place because even if you get rid of the old acne scars any new acne that forms will just create more scarring. Once you have found a way to eliminate your acne now you can concentrate on some acne scar treatments to help heal those scars and give you more clear skin.

There are many natural acne treatments and herbal solutions to reducing your acne scars and these are great because they have very little side effects. Of course if you know you have a medical condition or are on certain prescription drugs then you should first consult with your doctor before trying anything. Make sure that you are also keeping your skin clean by washing your face regularly and resist the temptation to pick or pop your acne as this will make the scars even worse.

Vitamin E Oil has been shown to have many healing properties. It is one of the more popular acne scar treatments products being used today. Most drug stores carry this product and most brands should do the job just fine. Antioxidants in vitamin C can also be beneficial for the skin so consider some sort of vitamin C supplement or just make sure you are consuming enough fruits like oranges, grapefruits, plums and peaches. It is best to buy pure vitamin E oil rather than using a cream that has vitamin E added to it as these creams are not as effective.

A simple way to heal scars using a completely natural acne treatment is lemon juice. Simply squeeze some onto a cotton ball and apply to the affected areas. Olive oil can also be beneficial to heal those scars. The pure virgin olive oil type is probably the most effective.

Consuming enough water is important as the skin requires it to function appropriately and heal itself. This is a great way to heal yourself from the inside out, actually water is one of the best acne treatment you can think of. Often it is lack of nutrients in your body that hinders the healing process so make sure you are consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Aloe vera is another great product that can help to get your skin clearer. It has many soothing and cooling effects that help to keep the skin soft and healthy. It also helps to reduce the swelling that occurs when you develop a scar. Dandelion root is another plant that can be useful in treating scars. It has the properties of reducing toxicity and improving the overall look of your skin.

Tea tree oil can also be effective in treating acne scars. Just add a few drops of the oil on a cotton ball and apply to your skin a few times a day. Almond oil mixed with lavender oil can also be a great way to reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Laser acne treatment systems are a more modern approach to reducing the appearance of scars. Laser resurfacing is a process where a laser beam is used and targeted on the affected areas. The process can be quite expensive and it does have some potentially negative side effects as the laser can damage the outer layer of skin.

There are many acne scar treatments out there. The key thing is to pick one and stick with for a while. You need to give any particular treatment at least 30 days before you decide whether or not it is working. Try different approaches if you have to but remember to first get rid of your acne because that is the original cause of your problem to begin with. In many cases it just takes time to heal the scars as your body has its own natural healing mechanisms that can be quite effective as long as you give them some time to work.

To find out how you can permanently cure your acne and banish all your acne scar, visit our website where we provide you with a natural acne solution.

Acne Scar Treatment